android To hell with adapters, with Smart Adapters What I have dreaded for ages in Android was having to deal with Adapters in my ListViews. The code is always boring and pretty much the same all the time, and whenever it feels different, it means that the cells are getting too complicated... the adapter's LOC grow more and
android Bye-hoo Today is my last day at Yahoo. These months have been really fun; I've learned a lot and got to meet very cool people along the way! I wish you guys the best in your new adventures too! I will throw some pictures for nostalgia's sake 😂
ruby Localio enters 0.1.x family I had to push a new update to Localio a few days ago, and it was one with breaking changes. The version number left the 0.0.x era, and now welcomes the 0.1.x family. The offender was Google Drive: Google announced a while ago that its Documents
android SmartLocation and its new API I released the 3.x series of SmartLocation [] some time ago but I wanted to talk a bit about the API changes. I really wanted it to have a fluid API and be even easier to set up. The 1.x series relied on some
android Robolectric tests running in Android Studio This article describes old stuff. The support for testing in Android Studio is now good enough and this stuff probably doesn't work anymore Been playing a lot with testing lately, but one thing that bothered me a lot was the shitty hacks one has to do for being able to
android Joined Yahoo! It's been a hard road, but I moved to London on November and started working for Yahoo! as an Android Software Engineer. I am really excited to be working here. So much to learn, so much to improve. This blog update is long overdue, I know, but securing a flat
Simulador Clínica Londres for iOS and Android This is the result of my latest freelancing effort. It's an app for a very known spanish plastic surgery clinics, Clínica Londres [] . The app itself was very fun to code, because apart from all the usual stuff like news or location, it had this section where
Society of Wine Educators for Android An app I've been working on for some time is finally released. It is a trivia game for wine conoisseurs with a social twist. You can download it from here []. A couple of screenshots... I had a blast programming some
Time to bump minSdk to 16 It was about time: API levels 14-15 are falling behind pretty quickly. We can see in this image, from a sample of about 200k sessions, how the 4.0.+ accounts for only ~6% and rapidly decreasing. It's not that I particularly need any API introduced in 16 in a daily
Going freelance After almost 3 years coding for Mobivery [], the adventure comes to an end. I am really grateful for the time I've spent there, as I've met great people, learned a lot and worked with awesome professionals. But it's time to start a new adventure. I have
Radares España, SpeedCams ES My new app is a speedcam notifier for spanish roads []. It is intented to be a base for making apps for other countries. I have called it Speedcams ES [
rails Using delayed_job with class methods A bit of context before going to the solution... I was trying to call a bulk insertion of some objects in the database in a Rails app hosted in Heroku, taking data from an user uploaded CSV file and processing it via find_or_create_by for each row, updating
SwipeRefreshLayout with ListView done right Setting up a SwipeRefreshLayout is pretty easy. There are great tutorials out there []. Even more if you already played around with other compat components like the DrawerLayout []. You just wrap your ScrollView or ListView, a few wiring here
GitHub Downloader I have created a new gem, GitHub Downloader, which does basically that: it downloads the source code from GitHub repos, packed in zip files. It's open sourced [], of course. You have in there the usage instructions too. I needed an script for doing that, and
android Tools of choice when crafting Android apps In this ever changing development world I wanted to take a little snapshot of which ones are my tools of choice when developing Android apps, both at work and at home. Design and prototyping Photoshop for design, all along. Though lately I've been experimenting by trying not to use it,
android How to style the ActionBar SearchView programmatically I stumbled upon a problem with the styling of a view at work. I had almost everything solved with a custom theme, but it all came down to style a SearchView widget of an ActionBar. That's where the fun begins. All of this must happen in your onCreateOptionsMenu method. With
random Rinse and repeat, blog style So I changed my blog again. I think all the changes I end up doing to it follow a pattern. It keeps getting simpler. The first iteration I made, which was a self developed and self hosted blog, was started because I wanted to be more proficient with Ruby on
android Betrayal Helper for Android I've been playing a lot lately to the board game Betrayal at the House on the Hill [], which is awesome, and I felt I needed to release a little helper app for it - keeping the score with the analogic meter you are provided
android Android Annotations @ViewById Generator plugin for Android Studio / IntelliJ IDEA I released a little plugin this week for being used in Android Studio or IntelliJ, for being able to generate automatically the @ViewById annotations from the awesome Android Annotations []. You can access the menu by clicking on a layout id like R.layout.yourlayoutname, selecting Generate and
code My 2013 in code This year has been good to me, in code and in personal life. Got to improve some personal projects, did some interesting things at work, and received pretty good news. I finally got to give back, releasing some opensource projects like localio [], clusterer [http://github.
ruby Proxy for Readability's Parse API I created this very little tiny project in Sinatra [] for being able to obscure the usage of the Readability's Parser API [] token, as suggested in their documentation. So, if you had any intention to use this, well... the
sublime-text Sublime Text 3 configuration Well, as I did in the past with the Xcode snippets I'm going to share with everyone my Sublime Text 3 configuration files in GitHub. It's pretty simple, it has a pretty common dark theme (RailsCasts style) and some key maps I use all the time. Nothing worth going crazy
android Open Sourcing stuff I've submitted some new versions of Localio addressing bugs and adding some features (like XLSX support), but that's all in the ruby side. But being true to my roots, I've been working on some libraries lately, all of them for Android. You might want to check them out... * SmartLocation: A
ruby Introducing Localio In my head there has been around a lot of times the possibility of contributing to the OSS community with some gem, so here goes my first contribution there. Localio is an automatic localizable file generator. It reads a certain type of file, called Locfile, and process it so the
rant Things I don't like about working for clients In my experience working for clients I've come to realize that most of the time they don't want the best app they can have. Or, at least, they don’t act that way. Most of them ignore willingly the fact that you know best, that you want them to succeed