Shipping as fast as possible

I’m taking  a different approach  with my newest app, BikeShare! for iOS .

I always wanted to have a lot of functionality done before I could even think about shipping, but it seems a really bad idea now. Sure, the app would be awesome when done… but  when would that be ? I have very little free time and a lot of projects going on, shifting my focus from time to time due priority changes or even boredom whims, so it’s hard to know about times.

So I changed my mind. I decided on a basic core functionality and went with it. The 1.0 version will have that and nothing more.

Then I will have some valuable info I might need to know before adding more functionality. With the core done and some stats mining frameworks set up, like  Malcom, I can know for sure what my users might want to have in the next iterations.

All the extra functionality, even the stuff to make the app different from others,  will have to wait . And hopefully I’ll get some feedback from the users.

And now, a teaser for you all.

The app is In Review, hopefully in one week or two will be rockin’ on the App Store.