My editor font of choice
The year 2020 has started with an interesting tweet by Gabriel Peal, trying to canvas which custom fonts developers use for Kotlin development. Some people in the Android community answered and as you would expect, the answers are varied.
What font do you use for coding (Kotlin)?
— Gabriel Peal (@gpeal8) January 3, 2020
I always stuck with the IntelliJ/AS default but Catalina seems to have changed the default or the way it is rendered and I'm looking for a new one.
Personally, I have been using Hack for a few years, and I absolutely love it. I use it for my presentations code snippets as well.
But one thing Hack doesn't have is ligature support.
This is where the Ligaturizer project comes handy. It is basically a python script that adds FiraCode ligatures to other fonts that don't have them. They even repackage popular coding fonts, where luckily for me, Hack is included.